Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week Twenty

I am so proud of yet another pound gone. But, I guess I am most proud that for 20 straight weeks, 14o days...I have kept my focus on my eat healthy and lose the extra weight that has been dragging me down!

What I haven't had in 140 days that I thought I could never live without:
  1. diet coke
  2. caffeine
  3. McDonald's french fries
  4. chocolate: candy, cake, covered donuts
  5. unhealthy fast food
  6. Shipley's donut holes
  7. garlic toast
  8. cinammon rolls get the idea.

What I have loved the last 14o days that I thought I could never live WITH:

  1. turnip greens
  2. baked fish
  3. steamed vegetable
  4. an apple a day
  5. Sprite 0
  6. salads with dressing on the side
  7. grilled chicken salad instead of fried
  8. water, water, water

So...on to Week 21! This is Memorial Week-end and cooking out is on the plans. We'll SEE!

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